Techniques Neurodynamiques – Pr. Gilbert

Les formateurs

Objectifs de la formation

L’application des techniques neurodynamiques permet de faire le lien entre les résultats cliniques observés et les modifications fonctionnelles du système neuro-musculo-squelettique.

Une attention particulière est portée sur la structure et la fonction des nerfs périphériques (du microscopique au macroscopique) ainsi que sur les trajets nerveux impliqués lors de mise en évidence de symptômes grâce aux tests neurodynamiques du membre supérieur et inférieur. La littérature actuelle permet d’adapter les techniques traditionnelles en considérant l’effet d’une intervention neurodynamique sur l’état physiologique du tissu nerveux, la dynamique des fluides intra-nerveux, la circulation sanguine et les altérations de pression.

Ces journées permettent de comprendre l’importance de la dynamique du tissu nerveux dans les affections tels que le syndrome du défilé thoracique, la sciatalgie, la cruralgie, etc.  et de pouvoir mettre en pratique directement ces techniques complémentaires à toute prise en charge thérapeutique.

Clinical Neurodynamics: clinical application from an anatomical perspective

This course examines the application of clinical neurodynamics from an anatomical perspective. Focus of this course is on the structure and function of peripheral nerves (microscopic to macroscopic) and relevant nerve anatomical pathways within the context of clinical presentation of symptoms during upper and lower limb neurodynamic testing. Traditional neurodynamic intervention techniques are presented as a general framework. Current neurodynamic literature is incorporated to adapt traditional techniques in consideration of neurodynamic intervention effects on the physiological state of nerve tissue, including intraneural fluid dynamics, blood flow, and pressure alterations.

Expanded Course Description

This course examines the application of clinical neurodynamics from an anatomical perspective. The focus of this portion of the course is on the structure and function of peripheral nerves. Emphasis is placed on the anatomical arrangement of nerve fascicles as well as neural vasculature and the effects of tension, compression, and intraneural swelling has on neural function.

The clinical assessment aspect of the course focuses on relevant nerve anatomical pathways within the upper and lower limb, highlighting typical points of entrapment. Additionally, the context of clinical presentation of symptoms during upper and lower limb during neurodynamic testing is discussed within the context of the entire functional examination and clinical presentation. The goal of these traditional neurodynamic tests is to identify the clinical dysfunction and differentially diagnose the problem to one of nerve entrapment/involvement. This important step of differential diagnosis provides the platform for specifically directed neurodynamic intervention.

Traditional neurodynamic intervention techniques are presented as a general framework, based on the work of David Butler and Michael Shacklock. Lab activities focus on addressing neuropathic pain through neurodynamic mobilizations. Approaches including tensioning, sliding, and stretch/relaxation cycles as well as general joint mobilization with concomitant neurodynamic mobilizations are discussed and demonstrated including the possible implications of each approach.

Current neurodynamic literature is incorporated to offer adaptations to traditional techniques considering neurodynamic intervention effects on the physiological state of nerve tissue. This important discussion includes but is not limited to the potential impact of neurodynamic mobilization/intervention on intraneural fluid dynamics, blood flow, pressure alterations, and the role that these effects may have on the general health of peripheral nerve tissue and ultimately neuropathic pain presentation.

Course participants will grasp the anatomical and physiological perspectives of neurodynamic testing and treatment within the context of patients with neuropathic pain. Participants in this course will gain confidence in clinical examination and evaluation of neurodynamic testing while relating clinical findings to the patient complaint. Course participants will be able, based on their differential diagnosis, formulate a plan of care that incorporates neurodynamic mobilization/intervention specific to the patient complaint. Participants in this course will be versed on recent research in the area of neurodynamic testing and treatment so as to apply these techniques in an evidence-based practice method.

  • How much ?

Frais d'inscription

375 €
350 €
pour les BA3, MA1 et MA2

  • When ?


15-16 février 2025 

  • Samedi : 8h30 – 17h
  • Dimanche : 8h30 – 16h
  • Where ?


Campus Erasme – HELB Bât P
Route de Lennik 808
1070 Bruxelles

  • Who's in ?

Public Cible

Kinésithérapeutes, Ostéopathes, Thérapeutes Manuels et étudiants en BA3, Master 1 et Master 2.


  • TECHNIQUES NEURODYNAMIQUES  (type: Étudiant BA3, MA1 et MA2)  —  350,00 TVAC
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